Thematic Investments

Power of thematic investments at your fingertips

Be the first in the region to invest Digitally in Thematic Portfolios

Start with as low as USD 100

With your existing Mashreq Account. No additional setup required

Transparent Single Charge Structure

No transaction fee. Only 1.25% per annum on the active investments

Key Benefits

Do it yourself platform
20+ predefined investment strategies
Premium Portfolios
Portfolios starting at $10,000 with frequent rebalancing option
Smart Rebalancing Option
Bring your portfolio back to optimal allocation.
Your portfolio, your choice
Flexibility of one-time or monthly investment plan

What are Thematic Portfolios

Designed to capture the potential growth and opportunities presented by specific themes or trends that are expected to shape the future, e.g., Future Cars, Cybersecurity, Health care and many more.

Mobile Banking

Multi-Asset Portfolios

Diversified and dynamic one-stop solution for investing, catering to various investor risk profiles, i.e., we offer range of retail and premium portfolios to cater to low, medium and high-risk tolerance.

Mobile Banking

Thematic Portfolio

20+ predefined investment strategies across multiple countries, themes, sectors, i.e., electronic vehicles, cloud computing, robotics, Asia Tech, US efficient energy, etc.

Enjoy access to 20+ Thematic Investments Themes

Future Cars

Future Cars portfolio is designed to track the performance of companies engaged in producing electric vehicles and/or their components or other initiatives that may change the future of mobility.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security portfolio is constructed with US stocks of companies that potentially stand to benefit from increased investment in systems, products and services that provide protection against cyber-attacks.

US Health Care

Health Care Leaders portfolio is designed to capture the performance of selected stocks within the Health Care sector in the US.

US Technology

Tech Leaders Premiers portfolio is designed to capture the performance of select stocks within the Information Technology sector in the US.

Impact Investing

Impact Investing portfolio provides a well-diversified exposure to companies that are industry leaders in economic, social and governance (ESG).

General Questions

Please follow these steps to start investing in Thematic Portfolios
  • Login to Mashreq mobile
  • Under “Overview” section, please click on “Explore your Investment Portfolio – Wealth Management” tilte
  • Select "Thematic Investments”
  • Complete your risk assessment and Investment Master Agreement in case you not have done this previously
  • Get routed to WeInvest platform and explore various portfolio options
  • Proceed to perform a funds transfer to fund your investment after selecting a portfolio
The minimum amount varies in accordance with the investment portfolio you have selected. It starts from as low as USD 100.
Thematic Investment portfolios are constructed using listed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) representing major asset/sub-asset classes and Equities.
You can withdraw your investments anytime you want. Furthermore, you may choose to perform a partial or full withdrawal. The withdrawal amount can only be credited to your Mashreq account which you have selected during investments. Once you have submitted your withdrawal instructions, WeInvest will then proceed to sell the relevant securities and transfer the amount to your Mashreq account.
You will be charged an administrative fee of 1.25% based on your Assets Under Management (AUM), i.e., the total value of your investments held under Thematic Investments. The fee will be computed on an average value of the portfolio and charged monthly based on number of calendar days in each month.

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